Defense Line
PBUS 15/16/40 Series
36W, 48W and 80W Single Output AC/DC Rugged Switch Mode Adaptor

The PBUS 15/16/40 Series of ruggedized AC/DC external switching mode adaptors provide universal 100-240VAC input, PBUS0015/40 12VDC output at 36W and 48W and PBUS10016 5VDC 80W power. The PBUS 15/16/40 are ruggedized with a partial potting and has operation temperature down to -40°C for rough enivonments and desktop mechanics allow mobile use or shelf mounting. Units are either designed to meet or approved according to UL 60950-1 or UL62368-1 depending of model. High level EMC performance according to MIL-STD-461E/F comply to CE102 and RE102 emmissions and withstand CS101, CS114, CS115, CS116 and RS103 allow stand alone use of the power supply in defense applications.
Product features
Meets MIL-STD-461-E/F
Rugged design, partly potted
Internal over temperature protection auto recovery
Desktop or shelf mount
Operating temperature +60°C
PBUS 15/16/40 Series models
Model # | Input voltage AC | Input voltage DCnom (min-max) |
Output power | Outputs Vnom (min-max) | Outputs A max |
PBUS0040 | 110/230VAC | N/A | 48W | Output 1: 12 (12 to 12)VDC | Output 1: 4A |
PBUS0040-B | 110/230VAC | N/A | 48W | Output 1: 12 (12 to 12)VDC | Output 1: 4A |
PBUS0040-C | 110/230VAC | N/A | 48W | Output 1: 12 (12 to 12)VDC | Output 1: 4A |
PBUS0015 | 110/230VAC | N/A | 36W | Output 1: 12 (12 to 12)VDC | Output 1: 3A |
PBUS0015-B | 110/230VAC | N/A | 36W | Output 1: 12 (12 to 12)VDC | Output 1: 3A |
PBUS10016 | 110/230VAC | N/A | 80W | Output 1: 5 (5 to 5)VDC | Output 1: 16A |
PBUS10016-1 | 110/230VAC | N/A | 80W | Output 1: 5 (5 to 5)VDC | Output 1: 16A |